VR Software in Manufacturing Engineering

Virtual Reality VR Applications in Manufacturing Engineering
(Part 3 of 3)


The manufacturing industry is a radical industry in the 21st century with promising returns for revenue earnings. The industry has led to the transformation of numerous goods and services that have had greater benefits for making life easier for human users. One key improvement in the manufacturing industry is the application of the virtual reality (VR) that has led to many promising ends for the users. Primarily, VR was adopted by the game users but its fast gaming. Statistics show that there is a continual increase in VR use – a positive signal to the industry that virtual reality has its merits. This is a clear indication that the inception of the VR to ordinary consumers is fast growing.

VR in Engineering Design

The Engineering field has greatly revolutionized the world through designs and also the cutting edge production of products. The products have first to be designed through Computer-Aided-Designs (CAD). Later the CAD is translated into designs through the robotic machining or in some cases assembly of the various components. The current software use both the 2D and augmented reality that has now made the application and the use of the designs to be easier and realistic. The modern CAD software like Autodesk, Solidworks and even Rhino employ the use of VR in the design views. The entire simulation is now possible for the process of the manufacturing process. This will not only make the designs to be realistic but has also creased an interactive session for the users and the designers. This has aided in the inspection of both aesthetics and the other engineering components like the clearance

VR in Architecture & Construction

The use of the VR has also been adopted in architectural design and construction industries. This has led to the easier adoption of new and modern building codes and styles. The modern-day architecture that uses Archiacad© can now showcase their designs using a VR kit that will enable the users to have a realistic approach to the designs. The VR kits also offer virtual tours across various floors and the building designs for clarity and visualization.

VR in Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

The medical field is a versatile field that is very sensitive and also delicate. The modern-day field of bio-engineering has incorporated the mechanical and biological aspects of science. This has led to the development of prosthetics and other bio-components that have transformed the lives of many. The use of VR has been useful in the medical field in general for the knowledge sharing of the various doctors and their trainees. VR creates a forum like a classroom for knowledge sharing through surgical procedures that can be observed in the virtual patient. Moreover, before the taking of the prosthetics by the parents, they can be introduced to a VR simulated environment on the sue and the various aspects of the available prosthetics. This has led to an increase in the acceptance for the components that have also led to the training ground on the sue hence the growth in the bio-engineering sector. There are also plenty of applications for analyzing pharmaceuticals through VR to better understand their make-up and composition.

Manufacturing VR Challenges

The manufacturing industry like any other has also had some few setbacks when it comes to the use of the VR. First of, there is a higher level of costs that are associated with the acquisition of the VR kits. This has locked out the many possible users that would have loved to sue this. It means that the availability would, therefore, be restricted to those who have the ability to acquire the kits. Next, is the higher cost of training that would be required for the integration of the users of the VR and the designers. The use of the VR would incorporate both the software and the hardware parts of the computer. This would require technical knowhow on the connection that would need to be trained on the staff and the designers. Also due to the integration of the systems that use VR with modern computer systems. There would be need for an upgrade of the physical components of the computer like the Random Access memory (RAM), graphics cards (external like NVIDIA or AMD) and the processor so that it would be able to support the graphics for the modern VR kits, this is still an expensive undertaking just to be able to access the VR based technology.

The Future of Virtual Reality

Due to the promising market trends on both the items sold and the prices. The VR is promising a good adoption in the next few years with the integration of systems and also the ease of access to the internet and the global community.

The tech enthusiasts have named the VR as an interactive 3D experience, believable and also realistic environment simulation. In fact, some of the games uses for the application of the VR have started incorporating other aspects of the like the smell and touch. This is an attempt to make the VR as realistic as possible. The use of the VR games has incorporated the aspect of physical movement that would also aid in the physical exercise of the users.

The United States is one of the largest global markets for VR has generated a lot of excitement since the introduction of the Oculus Go in 2018 that hit the highest sales of that year. Facebook, for instance, announced that it would be investing in the VR and its applications in 2016 . This is seen a positive projection into the futures markets.

Virtual Reality applications in industrial, architecture, and construction industries is making it easier for companies to design, build, and maintain products and buildings. It improves quality, reduces errors, and streamlines the process. CADTALK ERP connects VR-enabled applications such as CAD, PDM, PLM, and BIM transforming data into bills of material, routings, items, projects and project deliverables, and more inside manufacturing ERP and construction accounting applications. Watch the overview video to learn more.